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I need to verify that you’re a real person and not a ROBOT!

Please confirm your email address so that I can send you reviews and tips. Confirmation is to make sure that you are real and not a robot.

Confirmation process is quick and easy :

Step 1: Check your email inbox and look for an email from *GoVisitChicago* with the title “Response Required: Please confirm your request for information.”

Step 2: Click confirmation link in the email. Here’s a picture of the email so you can see what to click:

Step 3: Enjoy the reviews and tips next time I sent to you.

YOU MUST CONFIRM your e-mail address because I will not be able to send you any email until you confirm.

CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER if you do not see my confirmation email in next few minutes.

GMAIL users, if you do not see my confirmation email in INBOX then check PROMOTION section to verify.

Best Regards,

Victor Sevale

P.S. – If you are using Gmail, sometimes my tips end up in the promotions tab so if you don’t see a welcome email, check the promotions tab! To ensure you don’t miss any future emails, move the email into your main inbox (unless you check that tab often)!